Friday, October 1, 2010

Natural and Supernatural Virtues

Thomas Aquinas teaches that there are seven basic virtues.   

The theological virtues are infused by God through Baptism, are strengthened by the Holy Eucharist, and are restored when lost or weakened by the Sacrament of Reconciliation.    They are faith, hope and charity.  All of these are given to us by His grace but it is our job to encourage them and practice them (there is more on this later).

The cardinal virtues help us practice and make use of what God has given us.  

But to reach our destination we must also have prudence to choose the best means of getting there, justice to fulfill our obligations to God and man on the way, fortitude to overcome the difficulties we encounter, and temperance not to be sidetracked on the way by passing pleasures and satisfactions.

To remember:

By faith we know God, by Hope we trust His goodness and promises, and by Charity we love Him.   Light and Life

Go on to Next Section

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